International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

Post-Tsunami Land Parcel Reconstruction in Aceh Province

The tsunami on December 26, 2004 has devastated land parcel system, resulting in the loss of land parcel boundary markers, documents, and lives of the rightful owners. The people affected, either the survivors or their heirs sought for their legal ownership. As an effort to provide legal protection regarding land ownership in Aceh Province, the National Land Agency has conducted land parcel reconstruction by conducting land registration in the disaster-affected areas under a project called RALAS (Reconstruction of Aceh Land Administration System). RALAS experienced a lot of problems because the registration process was very complex. Post-tsunami land parcel reconstruction was challenged by two conflicting situations, i.e. emergency and reformation which prioritized democracy. Therefore, community empowerment is required. To collect out more-depth information regarding this situation, this research was conducted by using a sociological approach. The data were collected through a library research and field research. The instruments used for the data collection were documents and interview. The research results revealed that the community participated in land parcel registration in Aceh Province by arriving at an agreement among the community to participate in land parcel registration which includes land boundary identification, placement of land boundary markers, statement form completion and marking land parcels on map. To conclude, the community participation was in accordance with the Decree of the Head of National Land Agency Number 114-II/2005, which distinguished land registration through RALAS from commonly used land registration. However, the implementation still required some improvement. Therefore, the staff members of National Land Agency are expected to put a serious effort on socialization, to provide training for the community, and to learn local wisdom and value so that the land parcel registration can give satisfactory results that help community protect their properties.

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