International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

Promises of Community Policing: Assessing the Impact of Community Policing in Reducing Fear of Crime in Tanzania, a Case of Dar Es Salaam City
SEMBOJA, Haji Hatibu; SILLA, Beatus S.; MUSUGURI, Joseph N.

This study was carried out to assess the impact of Community Policing in reducing fear of crime in Tanzania was conducted in Dar es Salaam City from March to May, 2013. The study covered around 550 respondents. The main tool of data collection was field research survey using Paper and Pen interviewing approach. Findings indicated that the perception on impact of Community policing in reducing fear of crime is good. The findings also indicate that there is poor impact of Community policing in reducing fear of crime. The study has further demonstrated that the impact of Community policing in reducing fear of crime is satisfactory. Generally, the results of the current study revealed that there are perceived an improvement of Community policing in reducing fear of crime in Dar es Salaam City since its inauguration. In conclusion, Community policing promises are inadequate in solving problems of fears and disorders. Different stakeholders should be involved in this programme and people need to play their part. Community safety has to get to the heart of the problem by planning, learning, and investing in security matters. Involvement of different stakeholders and institutions, private security companies, education should join to the program to ensure that solutions are found to long running problems of safety and security in communities by using local problem-solving techniques for petty offences.

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