International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

Strengthening Health Education Activities; Key to Reducing Vulnerability to Epidemics among Children: The Case of Mathare Slum, Nairobi, Kenya.
Auma, Monica Otieno, M. A (Sociology); Ocharo, Robinson Mose, Ph.D.

Immense knowledge of preventive and risk reduction measures is crucial to help stem epidemics; which are prevalent in slums and children heavily bear the impact. Public education and awareness can be raised in a number of ways; from short-term, high-profile campaigns using broadcast, literature and posters, to more long term, low-profile campaigns that are carried out through general education. Information about these epidemics should be integrated into the media and other sources of information, stories, TV soap operas, newspapers which are frequently used by the communities. The study assesses the effectiveness of strengthened health activities in reducing epidemic prevalence among children in the slums. The study employed descriptive method to assist in providing adequate interpretation of the relevance of increased health education activities to reduce vulnerability of epidemics among children. Likewise, instruments of data collection for this study were questionnaires, interview schedules and observation guide. The questionnaire was administered to the care takers of children; parents, guardians and relatives. The target population was 76 males and 136 females costituting the care takers of children. Purposive sampling and simple random sampling were used for this study. Analysis was obtained through editing, coding, classifying and tabulation processes. It was established that despite the environmental challenges facing slum dwellers, there is need to emphasize on behaviour and attitude change in order to address the epidemics. The relevant authorities need to put emphasis on increasing education on healthy behaviours and promote positive lifestyle.

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