International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

El Sentido De La Escuela En Adolescentes De Educación Básica Desde La
Lectura Y La Escritura, Diego Fernando Acevedo León

The paper identifies the meaning of the school given by the adolescents of basic education grades 6 to 9 in a district educational institution south of the Colombian capital from the teaching experience 2013 structured in three stages: the first recognizes the family, school and social reality Of students, a second moment identifies the sense given to the school by young people, recognizing factors in the highest and lowest ratings given to the school, finally, since reading and writing are narrated some lives of students Allows to understand in its school trajectories the elements that affect the sense or nonsense of the school. It is possible to identify how, despite the socioeconomic difficulties of the families and the contexts for the students, a significant sense is given to the school.

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