International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

Analytical Perspective on the Importance of Coordination in Implementing Vertical and Horizontal Organizational Designs
Robert T. Dauphin, PhD

Organizational design represents a control mechanism that affects employees’ work outcomes, it ensures that employees perform required tasks effectively and efficiently and assists the attainment of organizational goals and objectives (Katsikea et al, 2011). Organizational design dictates the internal characteristics of organizations (Daft, 1995).The impetus of this analytical perspective are to analyze and highlight the significance of coordination during the establishment and implementation of “vertical” organizational design, and “horizontal” organizational design. Coordination represents an all-encompassing, master organizational design concept in which every other organizational design concept is accomplished (Mooney and Reiley, 1931).Coordination promotes: task specialization and division of labor; unity of functions; equalizes disparities and reestablishes teamwork; harmonizes employees and organizations goals; helps with task differentiation and integration; decreases employee conflicts and eradicates rivalries; helps with task interdependence; enhances employee and employer relations; enhances employees’ competence; and promotes effective networking during the implementation of vertical and horizontal organizational work operations.

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