International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

Public Employee Strike Considering Jordanian Legislation - Arab Legislation and International Conventions (Comparative Study)
Feras Syah Matar Alshrafat, Hussien Ali Rashed Alfaqeer

Freedom of expression is protected in all constitutions and we did not find any constitution that prevented this freedom or restricted it explicitly, and to know the concept of strike, highlight and clarify the right of the public employee to claim his right to strike, and explain the justifications and prohibitions of the strike for the public employee, the researcher has followed several methodologies to reach these goals, including the descriptive and comparative approach. We found that the freedom of expression stipulated in the constitutions, especially about the strike of employees in general and public employees in particular, is linked to legislation regulated by the legislator in the form of laws or regulations, and these legislations did not rise to the level required of them by the text of the constitution, as well as international conventions generally support the right of the public employee to express his opinion, and exercise his right to strike within an organized legal framework, but most Arab countries restricted the right to strike for the public employee and prevented it, such as Jordan, which the legislator stated in a form Explicitly prohibit public servants from striking in the civil service system, knowing that the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has signed international treaties that authorize and grant the right to strike.

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