International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

Constraints to Adoption of Agricultural Innovations among Women Farmers in Isokan Local Government Area, Osun State
Ayoade A.R, Akintonde J.O

Women play indispensable role in agriculture and in improving the quality of life in rural areas. However, their contribution often remains concealed due to some social barriers and gender bias. This study assessed the adoption of Agricultural Innovations among rural women farmers in Isokan Local Government Area of Osun State. To achieve this major objective, the study identified the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents as well as agricultural innovations introduced and their extent of use. Also the study determined the effects of technologies used on agricultural production. Purposive sampling technique was used in selecting eighty (80) women farmers from eleven villages in Isokan Local Government Area based on the registration of the women farmers in the local Government headquarters. Information was collected through structured interview schedule. Percentage and frequency distribution were used for the descriptive analysis while Pearson product moment correlation was used to determine the relationship between the variables. The result of findings revealed that a positive and significant relationship exists between the constraints encountered and adoption level of Agricultural Innovation. It was also revealed that late adoption of innovations was due to irregular visits of extension agent. The major constraint revealed in the study was unstable market price, which has seriously affected the women’s activities. Therefore the study recommends that the government should enforce price stabilization policies which will control market prices so as to reduce shortage and losses.

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