International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

Public Policy Making in Zimbabwe: A Three Decade Perspective
Dr. Gideon Zhou, Mr. Zvoushe Hardlife

This article reviews how the interplay of socioeconomic dynamics shaped policy decisions over the decades. Research findings suggest that the spirit and temper of policy decisions generally bear the imprint of the prevailing macro dynamics. During the first decade of independence, the imperative of nation building informed policy decisions across all sectors of the economy. Policy making was interventionist and social welfare oriented. During the second decade when the state was in economic crisis, policy interventions were mainly contractionary and low note on local ownership and social acceptance. Third decade policymaking was under highly untenable social, political, and economic conditions. A climate of siege and anxiety prevailed within state and civil society. Though the substantive intents of major policies adopted during this decade were in rhythm with the post independence imperatives, policy making approaches had a partisan, temperamental, exclusionary, hurried, and short-term bent.

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