International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

Scholastic Incentives and Educational Perceived Value; the Role of Religion in Muslim Students’ Achievement Strivings. A Rasch Model Analysis
Dr. Mikail Ibrahim

This paper attempts to investigate the Perceived Value Factors and the role of religion in the Muslim students’ achievement strivings among the matriculation students of the International Islamic University Malaysia. The perceived value means the student’s instrumental judgments about the potential benefit of an academic task or academic program. The researcher postulates that the attributed value would directly affect students’ involvement and their intrinsic motivation. The study also investigated the most determinant factor of students’ perceived value while hypothesized that the reason attributed into involvement would affect the level of involvement and outcome of academic exercise. Rasch analysis was employed to examine the endorsibilty of perceived value scale through benchmarking. Due to the significance of the scale reliability in academic exercises especially in quantitative research, the study also investigated the scale psychometric properties through investigation of scale dimensionality, construct validity, and estimation of item and person score reliability. The total of 471 2nd year students randomly selected from matriculation center of the International Islamic University participated in the study. The Rasch analysis revealed that the religious factor was the easiest factor to endorse by respondents which suggested that it was the major determinant of the Muslim students’ involvement in academic exercises followed by instrumentality (long-term benefit) and then utility factor (short-term benefit). This finding is expected to contribute to developing holistic concepts of the role of religiosity in learning and teaching exercises.

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