International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

On Articulting Reasons of Robert Brandom and His Hegelian Methodology
Agemir Bavaresco

The purpose of this review is to summarize the main ideas and parts of the book by Robert Brandom, Articulating Reasons, an Introduction to Inferentialism. This review is a reading guide of this work that remains in the current debate about the key philosophical issues, such as analytic philosophy, inferentialism and German idealism. What are the strategic choices made by the author to study topics such as pragmatism, inferentialism, intentionality, holism, rationalism, expressivism and so on? Another objective is to present some aspects of the Hegelian approach done by Brandom. What is his reading of Hegelianism, especially what is its methodology from the perspective of North American philosophy? There are different elements in this book; however we are presenting only the Hegelian methodology and some aspects, because in our opinion the Hegelian methodology is the principal strategy for the rapprochement between Hegelianism and Analytic Philosophy. Brandom’s research is one of the most important works in this sense. We chose these three concepts: the logic concept and its content; the dialectic between whole and parts; and the determinate negation and the contradiction as the core of the Hegelian system.

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