International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

Wordsworth’s Ideal Community is in Tune with Human Personality
Faria Saeed Khan

Wordsworth belonged to the era of revolutions; the American Revolution, the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution The repercussions of all socio-political events were strongly felt on the English soil. In England many reformers and enthusiasts were disappointed and disillusioned by the failure of the French Revolution. In the words of Hudson, ‘The age which followed upon the vast upheaval of the Revolution was one of wide spread turmoil and perplexity. Men felt themselves to be wandering aimlessly between two worlds, one dead the other powerless to be born. The older order had collapsed in shapeless ruins, but the promised Utopia had not been realized to take its place….the generous ardour and the splendid humanitarian enthusiasms which had been stirred by the opening phases of the revolutionary movement, had now ebbed away; revulsion had followed, and with it the mood of disillusion and despair. The spirit of doubt and denial was felt as a paralyzing power in every department of life and thought and the shadow of unbelief lay heavy on many hearts.’(cited in Carlyle:1963)1. After the repercussions of the French Revolution Wordsworth reached the conclusion that the real happiness of Man lies not in any social or political reforms but in transformation of human soul. Far from the confusions of advanced urban life, in the peace and solitude of nature, man can discern the shapes and the forms of evil and folly. Wordsworth claims that nature inserts in Man complacency; a spiritual balm and lead him to love of mankind. Wordsworth saw Man’s happiness and freedom not in a New World order but in the renewal of the ancient one.

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