International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

Between Beautification and Paranormal: An Examination of Ritualization in Some Yoruba Outdoor Sculptures
Akintonde, Moses Akintunde

Ritualism and paranormal experience in public outdoor sculpture art is already a concern for some Yoruba communities. The eerie occurrence, which is ephemeral in nature, is yet to be scholarly studied. Since the occurrence is also part of the history of the art within a social environment, it is necessary to examine it critically as it affects the development of the art. Outdoor sculpture ritualizations, the paranormal actions in them, the effects on the sculptures and the public have been examined in this study. The paranormal case of Iya-Ila statute in Ila-Orangun and the ritualization of Ajagunnla and other outdoor sculptures in some Yoruba towns were focused. The beliefs of the Yoruba about cross-roads were also examined in relation to the outdoor sculpture common location.

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