International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

A Network Context for Observing and Mapping of Ghana Mathematics Classroom Interactions
Liz Johnson

Ghana faces tremendous challenges in education with a national focus on replicating the conditions and processes for improving student learning throughout the country. High drop out rates, low scores on international tests, and lack of resources plague the educational system, contributing to quantity producing educational practices instead of quality. A network analysis approach and assessments of classroom climate provided the means to map and determine conditions and processes that can be replicated for quality educational improvement. Applying ontological modes of network complexity compositionally, structurally, and functionally allowed for organizing classroom interactions and processes into fundamental relational properties of learning environments, which include instructional, emotional, and behavioral interactions. The classroom network structures supported a positive environment and high number of instructional and emotionally supportive interactions, as well as demonstrated how classrooms can be complex in substantially varied ways compositionally, structurally, and functionally.

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