Morphological Typology of Affixes in Riau Malay
Azhary Tambusai, Khairina Nasution, Dwi Widayati, Jufrizal
The morphological typology in RM is based on the concept of segmentability and invariance as proposed by Van
Scklegel. This concept has the purpose to idenify a word or a construction whether it is a morpheme or not. This
study is descriptive-qualitative and has two major purposes: (1) to investigate the characteristics of
morphological typology in RM and (2) to demonstrate the affixation process. This study was conducted in some
selected municipalities and regencies in Riau Province in 2014-2015 and its data was obtained from some RM
native speakers as informants through interviews which were recorded on audiotape and video. The results
provide some support for determining that RM is an agglutinative language since its segmentability and
invariance is easily known and this is in accordance with what Montolalu (2005: 181) said that the
characteristics of agglutinative languages is that words can be divided into morphemes without difficulty. In
adition, the results also provide some support for the involvement of (i) prefixes {meN-}, {beR-}, {teR-}, {di-},
{peN-}, {se-}, {peR-}, {ke-}, and {bese-}, (ii) infixes {-em-}, {-el-}, and {-er-}, (iii) suffixes {-an}, {-kan}, and {-i},
(iv) confixes {peN-an}, {peR-an}, {ke-an},{ber-an}, and {se-nye}, and (v) affix combination such as {mempeR-(-
kan, -i)}, {me-kan}, and {di-kan}. Those affixes can be attached to the basic forms, such as nouns, verbs,
adjectives, adverbs, and numerals. On the basis of the results, it can be concluded that in the process of
affixation, words undergo a variety of grammatical and semantic changes and the affixation is derivational
and/or inflectional.
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