International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

Domestic Violence and Its Relationship to Marital Skills among Sample of Abused Women
Dr. Fadia Ayed Alsmeheen

The present study aimed to detect the level of domestic violence in a sample of battered women, and reached the study sample (17) battered woman, and to achieve the objectives of the study was used as a measure of domestic violence (Mansoor,2014) it has also been developed Marital skills scale. The results showed that the level of domestic violence among the study sample was a high degree, as results showed a correlation statistically significant between domestic violence and marital skills of battered women, the study ended with a set of recommendations as a measure of empirical research in the field of domestic violence through the development of outreach programs able to improve these variables have battered wives, and the need to train the next two to marry and battered wives on Marital skills in order to improve their marital adjustment and lower cases of domestic violence

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