International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

Virtualization and e-Learning: A Reflection on Modern Ubiquity
Inês Staub Araldi, Kátia Muck, Soeli Staub Zembruski

This work discusses the instability of the modern world theorized by Berman, the ruptures indicated by Searle in the construction of modern scientific thought, and the globalization and virtualization discussed by Levy that make the contemporary world fluid. From the re-reading of the scenario described by the authors, we address the consequences of the cyclical reinvention imposed by modern life and the changes caused in education with a focus on distance education and, mainly, on e-learning. In addition, being in the sixth generation of distance education, with e-learning, semantic Web, Big Data and ubiquitous education, we emphasize that agents and their relationships in the current educational process have to act according to this scenario. Facilitators mediate and foster learning relationships and students are active in building knowledge and are responsible for their learning. Finally, we conclude that the new constant is a permanent process of reevaluating our actions and learning models.

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